Thứ Sáu, 30 tháng 5, 2014

Chinese tourists travel to Thailand unabated interest

"From now after the coup , Chinese tourists to Thailand did not reduce the number of " Thai Chamber of Commerce in the tourism industry , said chairman LI Liangcheng military coup did not have a serious impact on Chinese tourists travel to Thailand .

LI Liangcheng said unrest in Thailand for Thai tourism industry must fight , since the Thai Army Commander Pakistan sterile 20 announced the start of martial law throughout the country , foreign tourist arrivals to Thailand has dropped 20%. But the military coup did not reduce China 's interest tourists travel to Thailand , Chinese people did not reduce the number of trips to Thailand , the first four months of this year, a total of more than 130 million Chinese tourists arrived in the Thai tourism .

He also said that the Thai tourism industry associations in the current league has not received any application for China Team tourists travel to Thailand because of the price and the Chinese domestic travel almost, and more cost-effective ; on the other hand , have to know before Chinese tourists travel Real-time situation in Thailand , the security situation in Thailand safer.

LI Liangcheng finally stressed that although the coup have a role in the maintenance of a stable social order , but I hope that visitors still concerned about the situation , do not close the streets warning soldiers and military vehicles in order to avoid unnecessary harm , do not participate in or crowd rallies and demonstrations , visitors should observe a curfew order, pay close attention to their personal safety.

15 truth from marketing practitioners

15 truth from marketing practitioners 

Recently I attended a conference on the theme of the meeting was “PR and marketing new media environment." At the meeting, I concentrate on the three most enterprises are facing now. In fact, with bright truth to put in there, we need to chew, digest. I will address the content summed up as “business operations SNS 15 big truth”, more detail, in the hope that useful to you.

1, the enterprises should not put money on some kind of social media, such as WEIBO (as tasteless, tasteless gesture)?

This is like war formations, each of the arms bear a different role . Do not piecemeal , stop-gap , blindly follow the trend . To plan the company's social media framework , ask yourself: Is this social media positioning in the overall architecture ? Whether it can be replaced or repetitive ?

2 , where to now operational aspects of microblogging force ? I used to say " content is king" , now go deeper thinking: "Interaction is king ." Include : Active provoke interaction, fans aggregation platform , turning crises into opportunities.

3 , even if you then bother to microblogging , please think about : the value of microblogging in crisis public relations . Please enter the micro Boehner to corporate public relations crisis defense system.

4 , you decide to put any human, material and not on microblogging. So please think about the "digital assets ," this issue . How to deal with over the years accumulated a fan ? How worthy shout Happening "fans economy" era ?

5 , wants the company’s internal magazine paper intact , even slightly moved even further to the letter ( subscription number ) on ? Self-deception ! Now wechat( subscription number ) abundance, you are overwhelmed No. interested subscribers , who are concerned over leadership speech , wechat cultural construction company (subscription numbers ) do ?

6 companies to build wechat( subscription number ) top priority is to make it clear : "The subscription number to see who ? " I still think that a more reliable enterprise wechat( subscription number ) there are three types ( welcome to correct and supplement ) :

A look inside the company’s employees .

B to partners to see . ( Eg : media reporter / supplier / dealer / distributor / investor) .

C provides exclusive , major news .

7 , the number of fans obsessed leaders stop micro letter ( subscription number) , the Stop Forced staff sharing " amount of fans ," the. I hope you are wechat( subscription number ) have tens of thousands of fake powder , or want to have 10 heavyweight "champions type " true powder it?

8 , wechat( service number ) no success code. Do not superstitious or searched those " hands-on " type of tutorial. Each industry vary widely, the world is not two identical leaves ; such a simple truth equally throughout the wechat( service number ) , you and Company B will provide exactly the same services?

9 , the company's wechat( service number ) how planning ? Best advice is to put forward a while to see blood : frontline staff ! Planning wechat( service number ) is by no means behind closed doors : Several marketing or public relations people locked up in the house the night brainstorming N N days thought out . Go to first-line fieldwork and practice your target customers will use these feature? It is real helpful?

10 Wechat( service number ) is planning to simplify . In the mobile terminal , simple things will go further , and can continue to grow. Customers want to find the most valuable to his service in the shortest time . Do not beat around the bush , do not take it for granted and do not put their professional Imagination equivalent customers want .

11 , planning wechat( service number ) methodology conclude two :

A deepening with impetus and comfortable service model.

B information , the information the user wants to be called on at any time at their fingertips to help them in the shortest possible time becomes wise manner .

12 , no matter what the social media , " content marketing + influence marketing" is the most grueling test of the team !

13 , companies do their own practical is king ! This is a very simple truth, but the status quo is : a lot of social media companies are so-called " magic" confused , always thinking about how to save the enterprise social media products and rotten rotten service . For the simplest case , if your customers about your product or service complaining , do you dare to initiate activities on any social media platforms? Anyway, I was afraid of it.

14 , insist ! Although the mobile Internet wave swept every day burst of " uncertainty" ; But the " perseverance " is the truth . Weibo your heart work or wechator other , there will be surprises , do not doubt . Conversely, if you always keep digging wells , never dig water wells .

15 , the propagation direction of the social media era , to borrow the words of a senior seniors : EQ big ideas , big data intelligence .

Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 5, 2014

WeChat began to restrict the marketing of personal accounts

WeChat began to restrict the marketing of personal accounts

To prevent WeChat become a marketing platform, Tencent WeChat yesterday's announcement, it will add a lot of friends in business by marketing personal WeChat number limit their contact number.

"WeChat circle of friends is a niche circle of acquaintance chains, it is not marketing platform", WeChat said, do not encourage the use of personal WeChat number for marketing. In order to protect the user experience, purification platform environment, in addition to limiting the number of contacts, but also for users to report more involved fake and commercial infringement WeChat No. accordance with relevant laws and regulations for processing. WeChat official also suggested circle of friends for harassing message appears, the user can take the message shielded circle of friends, unfriend, or to a single message to report such an operation.

Earlier rumors, WeChat personal account of the number of friends who will be suppressed in 5000 less. WeChat official responded by saying that in order to avoid personal circle of friends to do the malicious use of false marketing, WeChat product mechanism will indeed make adjustments, but the specific program is still testing.

Concern for ordinary users, Tencent, said these initiatives in order to curb the marketing behavior is actually a circle of friends, the number of ordinary user account and add friends and public interest groups do not have so many, so the requirement does not prevent ordinary users Use WeChat.

WeChat growth also brings fiery WeChat marketing campaigns, many companies or individuals were to start purchasing, sellers and other marketing activities through the public accounts, WeChat group, circle of friends, etc.. Even individual practitioners friends crazy marketing as many as people, fraud and other criminal incidents breeding. Beginning last year, WeChat constantly marketing chaos remediation, first blocked a number of "Taobao off" marketing public account; followed WeChat5.0 version of the service class of the public accounts for message sending limit. These initiatives directly limiting the public accounts of the marketing behavior, marketing, personal account of chaos began to WeChat group, circle of friends metastasis.

Tencent has been opposed to WeChat become a marketing tool. "Father WeChat's" Xiaolong repeatedly announced that, WeChat will keep it simple, "doing something valuable to users." Not long ago, WeChat upgraded to a business group establishment, and receives the original Tencent O2O business electricity supplier, was sent to outside commercial expectations.

2013 Asian tourists accounted for 19.5% of the number of foreign tourists in Paris

2013 Asian tourists accounted for 19.5% of the number of foreign tourists in Paris

According to the French daily "Le Figaro" reported on May 13, 2013, Paris, France, the number of tourists reached 29.3 million, a record high. Among Asians, 19.5% of the total number of foreign tourists, but also the largest consumer of tourists in Paris.

According to reports, the Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau to promote the new Secretary Nicolas Lefebvre (Nicolas Lefebvr) 13 am, said 2013 was a year of unprecedented prosperity of tourism in Paris, and even set a new record. 2013, a small number of tourists reached Paris 29,300,000, a record high. Among them, 59% of French tourists, though their hotel occupancy rate fell by 5.4% compared to 2012, these French tourists still in Paris consume 17.2 million euros (about 147 million yuan).

It is reported that all foreign tourists in front of the Paris region, the growth in the number of Chinese tourists in the first row. Lefebvre said that the number of Chinese tourists in 2013 Ile up to 50% increase compared to 2012, to 900,000 passengers. However, only 22.6 million people live in a small Paris hotel. Because the large number of Chinese tourists spending in luxury stores, hotels and restaurants for consumption are more savings. Deschamps stressed observe the person in charge, 30 years, spending up to Asian tourists in Paris, it can be said that they travel to Paris main purpose is shopping. 2013, consumption of Japanese tourists still ranked in the top Chinese tourists on top.

Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 5, 2014

Cost of Touring China

As a Tour Operator I receive many inquiries about how much it cost to tour China.  Many think it is very inexpensive because IT IS CHINA with their low costs of labor etc.  That was true just 10 years ago but things have changed.  There is Old China in the rural areas and there is New China in the cities.  Costs can vary a great deal.  My Chinese friend who lived near Boston for one year while going to school, returned to China this year and could not believe the difference in prices of food and many other things.  She said prices in China for many food items were much higher.  Many other costs in the U.S. were less for many items including hotels.   I travel to China myself often and find the same things.  A cup of Chinese coffee at the airport in Chengdu was 20% higher than Starbucks  which was just 50 feet away as an example.  If you see a very inexpensive tour to China on the internet, there is a reason why which you will find out when you arrive.  Expect to pay at least $3,000 to $4,000 per person not including international air for a 15 to 17 day private tour.  Group tours may be about 10% less but some can actually be more. Tours that are less costly or budget tours usually include two to three shopping stops each day often masked as cigarette or toilet stop breaks.  Many tour companies are now making some sights optional or steam table buffets to make their tours look less expensive.  China tours normally include most meals, all transportation, hotels and all sightseeing that they list.  Tips and Visas are usually extra and visa costs can range from $150 to $250 per person for the visa alone. You get what you pay for in China!  You spend about the same to get there so you should be able to see what you are interested in without having "shopping stops" taking up your touring time.  For more information on Cost of Travel in China contact me with any questions.  I am always glad to be of assistance in your planning without pressure to book a tour.   My name is Dave and you can email me at

Thứ Hai, 19 tháng 5, 2014

She wants to attract Fashion Chinese Travellers in Paris

She wants to attract Fashion Chinese Travellers in Paris 

Diane Lepicard is Paris Shopping Guideand she want to guide Chinese Tourists to the best place for travel

Paris Shopping Tour ! 

Her Website parisshoppingtour

Why she creates her company ? 

First of heredity virus entrepreneurship has always brought me. Also, all the trips I have done in the major capitals of the world have allowed me to see a real lack of authenticity in the services that were offered to me. I also have made the same observation in Paris, the world capital of tourism, but tourists do not really know. Being a fervent partisan and love this city, I wanted to bind with pleasure by offering a compelling and qualitative tourist route to a population thirst for authenticity.

Best places in Paris ! 

Le Marai 

Best for: Eclectic fashion, unique jewelry, antiques and fine art.
Getting there: Metro Saint-Paul (Line 1) or Hotel de Ville (Line 1, 11)
Main streets: Rue des Francs-Bourgeois, Place des Vosges, Rue de Turenne, Rue des Rosiers

Avenue Montaigne and Avenue des Champs-Elysées

Best for: Designer shopping, trendy chain stores, Sunday shopping
Getting there: Metro Alma Marceau (Line 9), Franklin D. Roosevelt (Lines 1 and 9), George V (Line 1), RER A (Charles de Gaulle-Etoile)

Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 5, 2014

WeChat business : Get fans will be able to make money ?

WeChat business : Get Fans will be able to make money ?

 In real life, the likelihood of consumers , are just a fan of the optimal cost is rarely a particular obsession of a specific brand or product . Great pains to please their fans , as back to basics , get down to enhance their product and service quality user experience .

wechat showings , wechat car , wechat shopping , wechat recharge , with the explosive growth of the user , wechat mobile terminal business in full swing . Chiefs have vied for corporate gathering Rush , buyers fought in my circle of friends to spare no effort . Faced with the sudden wechat artifact, some by surprise , and some stop watching , some vision first.

Apart from a very few , such as China Merchants Bank , China Southern Airlines , millet phones, get the sweetness from the wechat not many , some of these more Needless to say , such a small Taobao sellers . Not long ago a " sellers on wechat people , you now okay ? " Road to make the businesses are described as sad .

First obtain fans and earn money ?

Merchant will throw the same point of view : I do not know that it can not make money , first get fans. Standing on the merchant's point of view to consider , that 's right. Because we do not know what method is most effective when it is no doubt , no matter how, no user is all talk .

Admittedly, no fans everything is 0 , but with the fans there everything? Mobile Internet in all sorts of time and space barriers cleanse digestion after traditional business , does provide a natural platform for fans and broad marketing . However, marketing is really conquering fans is that all future products for the strong fortress it?

Not necessarily so. If you can not keep a clear head and calm insight , just smoke and mirrors , the marketing puzzle fans will be caught and can not extricate themselves. The vast majority of fans on wechat diehard fans are not hardcore , can not afford any sign of trouble . No reason to get your fans to public attention for two main reasons : First , trust your product, your product will bring them value ; Second, they see your product from the petty . Once these have gradually lost luster charm , fans will gradually leave. The more typical example is the millet "hunger marketing ."

This is clearly not the best wechat marketing, because you never know which day you push the information users are tired of your boring product .

I believe that the nature of the Internet is its people. If there is no form of communication between the fans , interactive , even if your product , there are one million fans , he is just a bunch of cold figures .

User psychology, behavior, interests as the starting point for marketing , confessed the truth is , since the media age in the face of more and more rational and mature user psychology , increasingly fragmented catalytic behavior , people increasingly interested the more diverse today, the first time how to catch the user's eye , allowing users more time and effort involved in interactive brand marketing in the past, is a prerequisite for all marketing approach. And all this comes from your services.

Return wechat mind : Service is king

In real life, the likelihood of consumers , are just a fan of the optimal cost is rarely a particular obsession of a specific brand or product . Great pains to please their fans , as back to basics , get down to enhance their product and service quality user experience ( both functional experience and emotional experience ) , so that their brand or product with real charm of the Mountain.

Singapore 2013 Chinese tourists spend 18%

Singapore 2013 Chinese tourists spend 18%

After passing the new law came into force Chinese tourism to visit in the fourth quarter of 2013 , the number of Chinese tourists to Singapore dump , but it has not affected last year , Chinese tourists to Singapore , the largest group of foreign tourists .

The fourth quarter of last year fell by Chinese tourists to visit Singapore 31 percent , but increased consumption by 1%.

Singapore Tourism Board official Edward Hill (sound), said the Chinese people choose multi-line tour reduced, but individual visitors. Hill added: " . Compared to the first tour with the group of people in many countries are unique visitors to stay longer ," he said , which means that , despite the decline in the fourth quarter of last year, tourists, but rising income from tourism .

According to the Singapore Tourism Board data released on May 12 last year , receiving Singapore Chinese tourists to 2.27 million passengers, an increase of 12%. The level of consumption of Chinese tourists to 2.98 billion Singapore dollars ( about 2.4 billion) , an increase of 18%. In contrast, Indonesian tourists to Singapore to compete with the amount of consumption .

This also means that Chinese tourists spend more than the amount of the first Indonesian tourists who were having the most consumed in Singapore , groups of tourists since 2007.

But last year Indonesia is even greater tourist country of origin Singapore new visitors went to a total of 3.09 million passengers.

Singapore Tourism Board led the decline in the number of Chinese tourists in China last October , the new Tourism Act came into force .

The new law prohibits less than the cost of making good purchases promotional or equal to market price. Visitors often participate in these visits were brought to the shop was forced to sell .

Ngee Ann Polytechnic tourism lecturer Michael Khiam that the new law Thrifty Chinese tourists deported . He said, but also to encourage more Chinese tourists to Singapore by the year, these people tend to spend more money . He predicted the decline in the number of Chinese tourists , but the trend of consumption growth " is likely to continue for some time yet . "

Singapore travel agency is not concerned about the decline in the number of tourists. An industry source said: " After the start of the new Tourism Act , the reduction of Chinese tourists through, but we do not worry because there are still tourists in our tour non - trading our number of business will be no major changes involved , because now all of us. groups are the high cost of non - shopping tour . "

Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 5, 2014

SEO really works to attract Chinese Tourists

SEO really works to attract Chinese Tourists

Chinese tourists spend £ 1 billion per year in the United Kingdom in 2017, largely thanks to simplified visa tourists make it easier for Chinese tourists to visit Britain.
Spending by Chinese visitors is expected to grow 84pc over the next four years, from 549m port 2013, according to a report by Barclays on tourism dynamics.
China is the fastest source of tourism spending in the world thanks to its growing middle class, who have more wealth and higher disposable income so.
But the UK can expect to see particularly strong growth in Chinese tourism expenditure through decisions aimed at simplifying the process of visa application

SEO Tips for 2014 ! 

Find a domain name according to what you do, because after Google Penguin 2.0 (May 2013) retook this much relevance , watch out this can change at any time.
Select a different title for each page within the meta tag title .
Includes meta tags for description and keywords, but be careful, in that order . In meta description refers at least once to position the criterion , the sooner the better .
Try to get a Facebook Page with your keywords in the page name . From Penguin 2.0 are that they burn ! For any reason you buy links. The pagerank today is not a relevant factor in Google rankings because Google is very clear that many websites have it handled .

Selecting the right keywords, no more than 10 for your target keywords . The content of the page should contain the criteria you want SEO optimized positioning at least 3 times in three different paragraphs or containing 500 words . Write at least one bold or strong .
Not about you optimize your content often repeating criteria ( Keyword Stuffing ) , instead using synonyms. Wary if they step out of line can lose a lot !
Select either the criteria to enhance per page , no more than 3 per page ; In SEO you should focalizarte !
Keep a blog on your site and plays the most varied subjects, no matter which delve much into these files , as this is to Google that you approach your caption read from several points of view , however if you build a mega post to include explanatory graphics , videos , eventually will achieve an SEO quality and durable. Please not copy and paste from other sites , tries to give a personal value to your copy if copy at the end of the day, but with some variation of your harvest to deliver any real contribution , that SEO is simply essential , at least in the years to come.

When creating a new post or a new page , write very well your title meta tag , it is very important that not too long but that simultaneously captures the user's attention . Do not try to do too much , use the meta description to deepen . If you're going to promote a main criterion for your website , try to support him in every way, that is, titles , keywords, description, URL names The titles contained in H1 are very important because Google prioritizes them above others in H2 , H3, etc. . ; H1 headings used in short , only concepts or criteria you want to promote. Site speed is super important uses GZIP compression for http headers , can use to see how fast your site will Minifica your CSS and Javascript Try using tools stored in the browser cache your pages Include attribute 'alt' or 'title' images ; here you should not overdo it. Do not use javascript written directly on the page , instead using files . Js when you can. Idem with css . Use robots.txt file to block URL you do not want to be indexed . Eye folders where you do not block css or js files staying because Google might have trouble validating correctly as a responsive site .
Use Google WMT ( Google Webmaster Tools) Use applications like SEOProfiler Use SEF URL or friendly to search engines, that you manage him . Generally htaccess , but if you are using WordPress or other CMS as generally you allow this option Canonical URL used to avoid duplicate content, for example a product that is in several categories and has multiple URLs with exactly the same Do not forget to have a good map of site Sets an index sitemap.xml as other XML sub - maps, each map represents a sub - type of content, eg Pages, Home, Entries . Like, you did not understand anything? See sample :  If you change your site , you should use 301 redirects to all URL changes Use microformats ( ) Includes rich snippets where you can, for example to your blog postings indicating the author , title, summary article , image, etc. . Link your Google+ page to your site either way , your site pointing to your Google+ page and from your site to your Google+ reciprocate. In the same line of previous ideas, growing content authoring or Google Authorship is more important. Use Slix to increase your link popularity. Use Slide Share for publishing content ; Google loves SlideShare !
Update ! (21-01-2014) NO Guest Bloggin Whatever campaigns because since January 2014 can be considered SPAM! Give other post to your blog and change your post to theirs, but do not overdo it carefully and only quality blogs and people you trust. Update ! (31-01-2014) generates at least 1 item you input and post on Article Marketing sites with good authority as , but do not make SPAM contributing just trash , then instead of signing with the text and URL to promote , try to leave your URL in context ( in between the content ) using anchor text not obvious , ie , it is better to use a text that says : Click here or visit this site, rather than using a text as SEO or another. Beware a hangout for John Mueller held on January 31, 2014 mentions that these techniques could be dangerous though nothing definitive yet. Integrate social media into your pages for users to share , give me love , G+ , Twittearlo , Pinearlo , etc. . while more better options , but that if you should never miss is the g+ button button as this signal is very strong now in Google . For this you can use services like share this , add this and several other free Participate in forums providing solutions such as ? First search for a topic that does not have many solutions in a forum related to your niche , then prepares a solution and post on your blog, then enter the forum and provides the solution with a link to your blog and forget to be considered SPAM.

SEO Guide for Baidu ! 

Baidu is the leader in China, and to know more about that you can read marketingtochina blog.

Generates original and upload videos to your YouTube channel , and of course your channel linked to your site. You can also include your URL in the description let configured on Youtube . We also recommend you include a newsletter that allows you to get subscribers to turn access to your site to read more in-depth articles or excel in your newsletter , ask them to comment on every newsletter article or give the g+ button or social networks you have built . And if you want to be more aggressive , offer a discount if you share this article on the blog of your social networks. Try to participate in as many social channels such as Facebook , Twitter , Pinterest , Youtube and Google+ incidentally , trying to link your site with these networks
As ever , there are many actions , some techniques, other business , other social , in short, all point to achieve better organic SEO results, it is an ecosystem that must be considered.

Spare Parts Market in China !

Spare Parts Market in China ! 

After the fall of sales, automakers face another danger. In an opinion issued Monday, 8 October , the Competition Authority called on the government to legislate for the gradual liberalization ( over five years) the area of ​​repair and spare parts called " visible " on which they are quasi monopoly.
For several years, a showdown took place between Renault , PSA Peugeot Citroën and independent repairers around this market . Admittedly, hoods, fenders , bumpers , doors, windshield, lights and other mirrors are an estimated turnover of between 1.8 to 2.6 billion euros, and generate a lot of envy.

Competitve market?

For the Competition Authority , the liberalization of the sector could " lead to consumers by an average decrease of about 6 % to 15 % of the price of visible parts ." Moreover, it "will allow manufacturers and suppliers to guard against the risk of unpreparedness to face the possibility of opening the market at European level ." Today, these parts are protected under the " law of designs and copyright ." Therefore , only the manufacturer can distribute these parts to different repairers. According to the Competition Authority , " builders hold this makes a real legal monopoly over 70 % of sales documents, are a duopoly with the equipment on the remaining 30% ." As for repair , they are " required to supply a significant proportion of their requirements from the manufacturer distributor network." The price of the latter.

According to the Federation of automobile distribution, thanks to the monopoly , manufacturers have inflated the price of parts by 26% between 2005 and 2010. "While consumer prices have varied during the period of 7 63% , "said the federation .
The French manufacturers have always defended the monopoly on these coins. Sale, they say, can reward the innovation , to ensure quality and safety , and especially to ensure a supply of all these parts. New entrants would produce , abroad , the most profitable parts . Today, 6% to 7 % of the references visible parts generate 80% of sales in this sector.


Manufacturers argue that liberalization could affect their competitiveness : they evoke a loss of up to 230 million euros . And stressed that they could not absorb the after-sale investments devoted to the creation of new vehicle models. Which would result in significant job losses , particularly in France . In its opinion, the Competition Authority dismantles these arguments. Countries that have liberalized , such as Italy and Germany, have not experienced such consequences.
She also believes that " the argument on competitiveness advanced by French automakers is their lack of profitability on the sale of new vehicles and the fear of losing a current source of profit on the aftermarket in China" .

" The restoration of competitiveness , says the Authority fails to issues of regulatory protection , but rather to adapt their business model. " As for job cuts, it considers that " any losses should be very limited and could be offset by new jobs related to the manufacture of visible parts by OEMs, both for export and for the domestic market.

Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 5, 2014

French Minister of foreign affairs welcomed Chinese tourists in France

Laurent Fabius went on Monday to Roissy to show the willigness of France to welcome better the Chinese visitors.

To favor Paris’s visit by Chinese tourists

France is a dream destination for numerous tourists. And among the visitors, the Chinese are the most appreciated. Laurent Fabius thus launched into a seduction operation on Monday: Minister of Foreign Affairs welcomed at dawn the Chinese tourists at the exit of their plane. And he is not the only one to unwind the red carpet; the businesses and the hotel business also mobilize to develop loyalty of this clientele.
The Secretary visited the airport to understand the route of the travelers and their difficulties. The success seemed reserved and the tourists were a few to pay attention on Laurent Fabius, according to Daxue Consulting.

An important welcome for Chinese tourist in Paris’s shops

A Chinese counter in Galleries. The department stores of the boulevard Haussmann in Paris are the major shopping destination for the Chinese tourists. The management thus set up a system of welcoming so that this clientele feels comfortable and opens big its wallet. On the first floor, there is a Chinese counter, with bilingual agents, who welcome the Chinese tourists. «They are spoiled well ", insures on the microphone of Europe 1 Kevin, one of these sellers. " They prefer to buy of the leather store,  the jewelry and also the accessories, French brands because products are of quality and very sought", adds another employee, Chinese.
More widely, Minister of Foreign Affairs wishes to make the tourists stay «longer so that they spend more ", by inciting them, among others, " to go to other regions «that Paris.
«Economically, the tourism it is important. It represents 7 % of the employment in France. We are going there to have (tourists, editor's note) and we wish to have it more and more, they have to say themselves that we welcome them well ", concluded Laurent Fabius.

Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 5, 2014

Friendly Faces of China

I have travelled China for 26 years and everywhere I go I see friendly faces like these in the photos.  The people of China are very open and friendly always welcoming me wherever I go.  In the countryside you will often be invited for tea if you just show up at their doorstep.  Even when they do not want their pictures taken, they give a broad smile and shake their heads.  Getting into the culture is very easy no matter where you go.  In restaurants no one hurries you to eat and leave.  You must ask for a check as it is impolite to give a check to a guest without them asking even when they are very busy.  When travelling with a guide, they will often just shout out to the home  (no door bells in the countryside) and say,  "There is a foreigner here who would like to visit you if you are not busy".  Even when they are busy, they stop to invite you in and serve tea while they continue to work.  Exchanging questions asking about your life as well as you asking about their lives is common.  In the city it may be quite different however you will still see friendly faces even if they can not speak the language. Parks are a great place to have those personal encounters.  If you have children with you they will often be approached by Chinese children who are very curious about young foreigners. 

 Children see t.v. and learn English after 3rd grade and you always get a friendly "Hello" from them.   I hope you get the opportunity to have those personal encounters too.
     My web site is:   Click on the photos for a full screen view!

Chủ Nhật, 4 tháng 5, 2014

The apps market in China

A substantial growth of apps market in China

According to market reports, the volumes of downloaded applications are going to know a remarkable increase in Asia in particular in China in 2014. Indeed, thanks to the lightning growth of sale of mobiles, vaster fixed prices, the number of download made a spectacular boom. We plan that China is going to become the second market after the USA in terms of volumes of download. We have already observed a clear increase of the volumes of data downloaded in China, by comparison with the other countries Asian as the Thailand or still India. However, these two countries have of their known sides a respective growth of 27 % for India and 40 % for the Thailand.

How apps market increase in China?

In spite of this remarkable growth, the Chinese market of the applications is not still capable of overtaking the American market or the European market. However, the proportion of Chinese download is relatively important. We could analyze this small gap between the Asian market and the American market by the price practiced on the Asian market. In China, the average price of download of application is higher with regard to that practised on the American market. In America, it borders 1,48 dollar by application whereas in China are needed 2,62 dollars to download a program. What makes that the Chinese income of the sales of applications represents hardly two thirds of the income in the USA.
So, even if we find only 11 % of paying applications in China, the platform knew a spectacular jump of 73 % in one year. The platforms of independent downloads could have a weight importing in the future but for the moment Chinese content themselves applications which we download directly on the site.
Let us note to finish that in April, 2011, the sale of IPhone in China knew an increase of 250 % in one year, against 155 % in the USA.

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