Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 5, 2014

French Minister of foreign affairs welcomed Chinese tourists in France

Laurent Fabius went on Monday to Roissy to show the willigness of France to welcome better the Chinese visitors.

To favor Paris’s visit by Chinese tourists

France is a dream destination for numerous tourists. And among the visitors, the Chinese are the most appreciated. Laurent Fabius thus launched into a seduction operation on Monday: Minister of Foreign Affairs welcomed at dawn the Chinese tourists at the exit of their plane. And he is not the only one to unwind the red carpet; the businesses and the hotel business also mobilize to develop loyalty of this clientele.
The Secretary visited the airport to understand the route of the travelers and their difficulties. The success seemed reserved and the tourists were a few to pay attention on Laurent Fabius, according to Daxue Consulting.

An important welcome for Chinese tourist in Paris’s shops

A Chinese counter in Galleries. The department stores of the boulevard Haussmann in Paris are the major shopping destination for the Chinese tourists. The management thus set up a system of welcoming so that this clientele feels comfortable and opens big its wallet. On the first floor, there is a Chinese counter, with bilingual agents, who welcome the Chinese tourists. «They are spoiled well ", insures on the microphone of Europe 1 Kevin, one of these sellers. " They prefer to buy of the leather store,  the jewelry and also the accessories, French brands because products are of quality and very sought", adds another employee, Chinese.
More widely, Minister of Foreign Affairs wishes to make the tourists stay «longer so that they spend more ", by inciting them, among others, " to go to other regions «that Paris.
«Economically, the tourism it is important. It represents 7 % of the employment in France. We are going there to have (tourists, editor's note) and we wish to have it more and more, they have to say themselves that we welcome them well ", concluded Laurent Fabius.

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