Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 6, 2013

Focused on Internet in China!

Focused on Internet in China! 


The  Search engines ! 

 baidu is the big leader.. On find here Baidu with more than 78%  more information about Baidu here and here
[2] of market share and 360 安全 浏览 器 (Security Explorer) with unbridled growth
 [3], Sogou and then Google with 5% market share. Every minute, there are 3.47 million queries made ​​on

Baidu by Intel's latest study. browsers Internet explorerPrès 23% of Internet users still surfing with Internet Explorer 6 which is now 10 years, requiring additional development, an adaptation of each platform specifically for this browser ....

For the rest, it is the vast majority of browsers made ​​in China: 360 Security Explorer, Sogou Explorer and Maxthon are in the top 5 web browsers.


 Concerning mobile "browsers" is still and always found the local giants: QQ Browser (40% share), UCWeb Browser (33%), Oupeng (8%) Baidu (6%), 360 (4%) and Haitung (2.6%).

[4] in addition, the g ot applicable UCWeb, installed by default on more than half of Chinese smartphones intends to extend its leadership in the BRICS and announced in May launched its mobile browser "Rmb3bn" in India, Russia, Brazil, Indonesia and Vietnam.
[5] the Marketplaces

World of e-commerce led by Taobao

The Market Places dominate the world of e-commerce led by Taobao (C2C platform) and Tmall (B2C Taobao part) and Jingdong (formerly The top 10 marketplaces focus over 65% of sales in China online. Integrate these places marcheou build his independent site, what is the best solution? It all depends on your strategy in the great China ...
more information

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