Chủ Nhật, 30 tháng 6, 2013

Art Market in China dropt by 22% !

Art Market in China dropt by 22% ! 

Until leader, the Chinese market sales of public art and collectibles auction collapsed in 2012 with an unexpected 22% decline compared to 2011, while worldwide sales fell 5 9%, said Wednesday the French Council of voluntary sales. "This global decline in 2012 is related to the essential? For sharp market in China. However, France consolidated its position as the fourth global player despite a decline of 1.7%," he told , President of the French regulatory authority for public auction, on the occasion of the presentation of the activity in 2012.

Each year, the CVV publishes figures the global market for public auction collected from 2,600 sales companies. "2012 was a year of contrasts that was a bit surprised was expected to decline, but not as from one country to another." Said Ms. Chadelat, calling in particular "dramatic drop" the - 22% of the Chinese market, one thing "probably due to the economic crisis that has hit the big fortunes speculating merrily forward."

New York ! 

 New York becomes the first in the world of? Art auction, with 4 billion euros, to Beijing in 2010 and 2011 who had taken the first place. For CVV, declining 1.8% of the French market for art and collectibles "is not catastrophic," especially in 2011 the increase was 8.6% (expenses included ).

 What about France ?

 "What saves France, it is the auction of used vehicles and prestige up 1.9%," observed Catherine Chadelat. According to the CVV, the global auction market in France, however, rose by 1.9% compared to 2011 to reach a record auction amount of 2.42 billion euros (fees). In addition, the president of the French regulator auction called for better public information regarding the auctions on the Internet. A series of meetings on this subject are programmed with the Ministries of Culture and Justice and Parliamentary, she told . "Ebay or express are major players in the unregulated market of Internet auctions that is not currently subject to regulation.

They act without qualification, or security or guarantees authentication of art," said Ms. Chadelat. "We want an adjustment of the law to clear and accurate information so that there is no confusion with the auctions auction houses.

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