Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 4, 2016

Marketers have to use cultural aspect in China

Marketers have to adapt to Chinese culture to success in China !


At least three leaders of Chinese social networks, namely, Weibo, WeChat and QQ. WeChat it is the most popular and originally created to serve activities date. Weibo, owned by Sina Corporation focuses on providing information. QQ also focuses on providing content


Here are 7 strategies to achieve success through the social network in China:

1. Marketing Content
Relevant content is paramount and consumers are getting tired of being attacked by commercial advertising. Content will determine the number of clicks and the number of visitors you can get. You may need to show some photos and video in any of its contents.
2. 020 in China
QR Code is the link between the offline and online one. QR code is useful for making the payment procedure, including promotion procedure.
3. connecting to your target
Connecting line has revolutionized everything and makes everything simpler. You can make instant payments via Internet and get the goods at a conventional store.
4. community management
If you have low popularity, certified Baidu account to build trust is needed.
5. Online Communication => offline sales You must create an attractive community directed to a particular topic, and this will create a mutual interaction and strengthen their brand.
6. viral Marketing
The Chinese are very fond of buzz, as usually contains information


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