Guizhou province usually gets passed over by most tourists as one can not see everything in China in just a few weeks. A client wanted to go there to see a specific village years ago so I went to check out the province to see if it was ready for tourism with good hotels and sites worth visiting. I found very few tourists which was nice and many wonderful small villages one that you see here nestled in a hillside and valley. Zeniel Village has both Shui and Miao ethic nationalities living there near DuJiang Town. The largest waterfall in China is also located at Huang Guo Shu on the way to Anshun is a wonderful visit and there is one of the most beautiful Bonsai parks I have seen in all China of which there are many. In Anshun you can visit Dragon Palace Cave park and take a boat ride on the near by lake. There is 700 year old Tunpa Han Village nearby where 22 generations of people live who had been warriors. The Stone Fort or Temple still stands and can be visited at Stone Temple Village. Eastern Guizhou province is still developing but if you would like to see what past
generations lived like, it is a good place to visit although good hotels are yet to develop fully. For more information on Guizhou province touring contact us at
Let my 25 Years of travel throughout China be of help to you in seeing China up close and personal. : China tourist attractions in major cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Tibet, Xian, Guilin, Hong Kong and recommended top 10 attrations to visit in China.
Thứ Hai, 31 tháng 3, 2014
Thứ Sáu, 28 tháng 3, 2014
Kim Su Hyon became the spokesperson of Coca-Cola Chinese area
Kim Su Hyon became the spokesperson of Coca-Cola Chinese area
According to the South Korean "Asian economic" report, recently, actor Kim Su Hyon became the model for Coca-Cola China area. The advertisement will be filmed in May, is expected in the second half of this year in China broadcast.
Coca-Cola as an international well-known brands in each country will enable different star endorsement. With a population of 1300000000, Chinese, Coca Cola Co is the largest market, so be careful in the choice of ways. Before this, Coca Cola Co has enabled Cristiano Ronaldo in sports stars Chinese popular bursting.
It is worth mentioning that, in order to enable the Coca Cola Co Kim Su Hyon as a spokesperson, broke the traditionally spokesperson not allowed to shoot other beverage commercial practice, pay attention to the extent of the remarkable Kim Su Hyon Coca Cola Co.
The advertising industry related personnel said: "the Coca Cola Co said that as long as the Kim Su Hyon not rival advertising photography can be, such preferential conditions for the first time in history."
Besides Coca-Cola, many domestic enterprises are China thrown an olive branch. Kim Su Hyon belongs to the Broker's Firm said, now Kim Su Hyon has accepted the advertisement of dairy products, there are many products in the negotiation.
America will become Chinese tourists preferred
America will become Chinese tourists preferred
Estimated that by 2020, the number of tourists visit USA China will increase more than 3 times a year, it is expected to have 5700000 Chinese mainland tourists arrived in American coast. In America, California is one of the most popular tourist destination China. CNN commented that, with more and more Chinese visitors to USA for their holiday "optimal choice", "Disney Park queues will be longer".According to USA 20 cable news network reported, a new report at CLSA in Hongkong issued by the prediction sample survey of 1000 people, to 2020 China mainland travel abroad will reach 200000000 passengers. The number of mainland tourists to come, American will increase more than 3 times. Chinese visitors will become more confident, more astute in tourism. Reported that, if money is not an issue, more than 17% experienced Chinese visitors to choose America as the preferred them on holiday, it is higher than any other destination. For the first time traveler, America are the second most popular resort.
China tourists have formed a "generous" impression in all over the world, from China shoppers queue, often in Paris and other Western luxury goods outside a shop to see, this trend is likely to spread.
In addition to shopping, China tourists can also let the Las Vegas casino boss slobber. The CLSA report said, compared to other overseas visitors, Chinese mainland tourists is to Food and gambling to show greater interest, there is also an increasing preference for concerts and performances. But at the same time, entertain growth to 3 times the amount of Chinese visitors is not easy. The language barrier is a problem, CLSA survey once to New York a series of high-grade hotel telephone inquiries, the results found that only two hotels have a waiter will speak mandarin.
Thứ Hai, 24 tháng 3, 2014
"Encountering the Chinese" Book on China
If you are doing research on China, one of the best books I have found is "Encountering the Chinese" a Guide for Americans. It is difficult to find so I went right to the publisher and ordered 100 books to have on hand for my customers. It is just $24.95 post paid if you would like a copy. It gives an over all picture of meeting and interacting with the Chinese people besides giving you valuable insights into their culture. It is a must read for anyone who will be interacting directly with the Chinese people whether it is in Business, cultural exchange delegations or as a Tourist who is interested in understanding and dealing with the culture more in depth. You can send your check or money order for $24.95 post paid to Interlake China Tours, Inc. P.O. Box 33652 Seattle, WA. 98133
Researching Your China Travel
China is a very large and diverse country with many cultures within a culture. Most people have 2 to 3 weeks to see such a large country. In order to see the most important sites that you may be interested in you need to do a lot of research. Start with a travel book just on China. You will find them in your favorite travel or book store. Next look up some of the sites and areas of China that you are interested in on the internet. Reading Blogs on China such as mine here are very helpful and there are many. Next determine the time of year you want to travel and your budget. This all takes a great deal of time but a well planned tour is valuable for your enjoyment. As a Tour Operator just to China who does mostly Private Customized tours to the customers interests, I send inquiries a Profile Sheet to fill out with their specific interests and needs. I then outline these areas for you to do further research on the internet or travel books. If those areas meet your needs, I then fill out the details of sites to visit based on your Profile Sheet interests. After 25 years of travel in China and sending over 2,500 people there, I am able to give each and every client their specific interests. You can't possibly see it all in one trip so you should see what you are most interested in rather than see some general sights that you have little interest in a stock tour. Some people love museums and others do not as an example. Many group tours have many museums in their tours which are usually 1/2 day visits. For more information contact us at: or email:
People call me ChinaDave. You can also find me on Frommer's Forum answering questions of travel.
People call me ChinaDave. You can also find me on Frommer's Forum answering questions of travel.
Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 3, 2014
In-depth understanding of Chinese tourists: match up
In-depth understanding of Chinese tourists: match up
According to China's outbound travel statistics institute , headquartered in Germany , in 2013 China's outbound tourists reached 97.3 million people, about 18% increase over the previous year ; from the number of visitors to the consumption abroad , China far more than Germany, the United States and other major tourist country for two consecutive years become the world's largest tourist source country .For the hotel and catering industry , attracting Chinese tourists, according to their needs to adjust and optimize the products and services have become more important. Institute at Alter believes that Chinese tourists want to be respected and special attention. " If you do not understand , it is impossible to meet the special needs of this important source market ."
Duarte told reporters that more and more tourism-related industries to participate in the Institute 's training program for Chinese tourists. "We help them understand the cultural background of Chinese tourists and preferences and needs ."
Turning to the specific content of example, he said : . " Chinese tourists tend to like those famous , featured or appeared in television movies over the place , as well as ' best ' or something, such as the highest, if the hotel has the oldest star or celebrity patronized , it is best to put these people's pictures hanging on the wall a lot of Chinese tourists are very interested in this hotel they are happy on the microblogging show : 'I and he / she lived in the same hotel '"
Duarte also reminded of some misunderstanding. For example , " not all Chinese tourists are taboo 4 this figure , or must eat instant noodles and some hotels that the Chinese people do not drink, only tea. Actual fact the Chinese people want to see Chinese TV programs , but does not refer to CCTV-9 , but the Chinese channel . "
Concerned about travel next generation : the future
Chinese people travel abroad and gained rich experience and ideas are changing the way travel . For many people , traveling abroad is no longer of interest to visit and buy a brand , but a lifestyle and experience.
Ge Ning shared his experience : "Now we received very few groups of Chinese tourists , mostly couples or small groups they like experiential tourism , such as many Chinese people are going to see the British horse racing."
In Alter seems to grow " a new generation of Chinese tourists ' groups particularly interesting . He summarizes several characteristics of these visitors : relatively young, well-educated degree ; rich travel experience like according to their interests and needs of planning a trip ; many people to travel seen as a kind of " self- investment" when the travel experience as a capital , and happy on the microblogging and other social media show.
He predicted that with the wealth of personal travel experiences and travel information , as well as more countries provide visa facilitation for Chinese tourists , Chinese people travel more and more self-service , become a trend.
Duarte said: "More Chinese tourists choose personalized travel arrangements , which provide for the relevant products and some niche business opportunities emerging tourist destination compared to the first time Chinese tourists abroad , this group deserves special attention. ."
Haier Brothers new image collection to those "bold image"
Haier Brothers new image collection to those "bold image"
Yesterday afternoon began to have a lot of friends in my circle of friends scraper Haier Brothers new image , in 21:00 and more of our small series also forwarded a microblogging on by@SOS动漫社团-SOS姬
Released microblogging , he uploaded a solicitation activities in this collection come some very "unexpected " works .
We greatly accelerates forwarding this microblogging Haier praised the bold , but also comes with a collection of several major battlefield of the event , we thought this forward microblogging also caused a lot of forwards , first we runoff military thought it was , because in the past we have forwarded a number of activities with corporate brands, some companies will bring a lot of water army brush forwarded . The large number of transponders and Haier are normal interactive forwarding, many fans like us, for Haier's " bold" and admire , that this was a very successful event . Commented as follows :
- Lake Cattle:. . . I think that Haier is not so bold, unlike soft paper. . .
- Xu Sheng long: a little mean
- Pei sub-period: == | | election staff works every day must be very happy ......
- itor: from good black
- Offensive Galileo: a very touching campaign.
- Wang Haoxiang: This will be the most successful of this year's campaign
But this view is not long carnival today, when we go to the event page click to go explore more bold new image , I found what bold designs clean and the organizers have been deleted , leaving only memories of some pure works .
Haier or its marketing agency is to collect through a mass participation activities to collect Haier's new image , you can play a good serve multiple purposes , both to promote the brand , but also to the new collection Haier Brothers image for this increasingly Haier older brother inject new vitality , but collecting the results of view , there is a lot of work boldly beyond people's expectations , the organizers of the competition rules in particular marked with a red " for the healthy growth of children , submitted manuscript contains children should not be content will be removed . " I guess this sentence is temporarily out of time to add to the back of the situation , but also to remove some of the works provided some basis.
Thứ Hai, 17 tháng 3, 2014
Chine : ralentissement des prix de l'immobilier en mars 2014
La hausse des prix du logements continue de ralentir en mars 2014
Bien que toujours en surchauffe, il semblerait que le marché immobilier chinois soit entrée dans une phase d’accalmie. En effet, depuis janvier et pour le troisième mois consécutif, la hausse des prix de l’immobilier a ralentit. Ces informations ont été corroborées par le China Index Academy publié par le site immobilier Soufun.
(cliquez ici pour en savoir plus )
Quelques chiffres
Selon ce document, le prix moyen d'une maison neuve dans les 100 principales villes du pays a progressé de 10,79 % en glissement annuel en février à 10.960 yuans (1.783 dollars) le mètre carré, contre 11,1 % en janvier.
Les prix des logements ont progressé de 0,54 % en février par rapport au mois précédent, soit une baisse par rapport à la progression de janvier qui était de 0,63 %. Mais cette progression bien qu’étant en baisse marque une hausse ininterrompue depuis 21 mois.
Evolution sur un an
Sur les dix plus grandes métropoles chinoises, Pékin est la ville qui enregistre la plus forte hausse des prix : le prix moyen en février a bondi de 29,55 % sur une année à 32.764 yuans le mètre carré.
A Guangzhou, dans le sud, les prix ont augmentés de 23,37% en un an, alors qu'à Shenzhen, près de Hong Kong, l’augmentation a atteint 20,51 %.
Enfin, a Shanghai, capitale commerciale de la Chine, le prix moyen des maisons s'est établi à 32.022 yuans le mètre carré, soit une progression de 14,27% en un an.
Source: Le Nouvel Observateur
Le gouvernement tente d'endiguer la montée des prix
Le gouvernement chinois tente depuis plus de 3 ans de contenir les prix de l'immobilier,et promet en même temps davantage de logements à des prix abordables, le problème du logement suscitant le mécontentement de la population. Mais il semble que le succès n'ait pas été au rendez-vous, jusqu’à récemment peut-être...
Pour davantage de renseignements sur l'immobilier en Chine, lisez aussi:
Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 3, 2014
The Ever Changing Lhasa, Tibet
I have traveled China and Tibet for over 25 years watching the changes and the growth. It has been like watching the U.S. from 1900 to 2014 in the span of just those 25 years. It is what keeps me going back time and time again to see and watch the changes going on in China. As a tour operator I work all over China so I see all those changes first hand from year to year. My first visit to Lhasa was in 1994 when the population was only 250,000 people. Few hotels on the par of the west but there was an old Holiday Inn at the time which is now under another name. The others were two and three star hotels and a variety of hostels. Mostly Chinese and Tibetan food with something similar to western food. Buildings were only two stories tall and many dirt or gravel streets and roads. Chinese lived on one side of the town and Tibetans on the other side. That was 1994 but today when I have been there I can see the difference in these photos with the population now over 450,000 people. Motorcycles, cars and the new Tibet train from Beijing have brought many more modern conveniences to Lhasa along with western food in quaint restaurants. I toured the St. Regis Lhasa Resort Hotel where rooms start at $550 per night to $2,500 per night. The swimming pool is lined with 24 ct. gold which shimmers with the underwater lights. There are now 4 star hotels such as the Lhasa Hotel and the Sheraton. The Monasteries and the Potala Palace are the main sights to visit but the markets and local people contribute to a very cultural tour. For more information on touring Tibet check my web site with private packaged tours at
Click on the photos for a full screen view!
Thứ Ba, 11 tháng 3, 2014
Shanghai: Michelin - the ultimate driving experience events website
Shanghai: Michelin - the ultimate driving experience events website
March 4, 2014, Shanghai - TBWA \ Digital Arts Network \ Shanghai Michelin tires tailored for the "ultimate driving experience" digital activities formally launched!
Each person's heart has a place, always wanted to but never arrived, and now you finally have the opportunity to "yearn for, the line will be able to."
From now until April 2. Michelin Ultimate Driving Experience landing sites, watch videos, answer travel questions, you can produce the ultimate experience exclusive tour results. Share to Sina Weibo, get more people to forward or point of praise, the more opportunity to personally drive supercar dream, dream journey to achieve your ultimate driving experience!
Chinese shrine winter honeymoon
Chinese shrine winter honeymoon
When you and loved her holding hands, walking in the air was filled with the love of beauty, a look at the most beautiful scenery, spend the most wonderful time of life, which is more than comfortable thing, it will be the most memorable of happiness in this life time, Xiao Bian Recommended Chinese honeymoon destination.Where winter honeymoon election, to help you interpret the Chinese winter suit honeymoon travel honeymoon destination.
Sanya tour
Hainan, with its sun, sea, sand, palm attracts tens of thousands of tourists come here. Boundless expanse of blue sea, marine vessels shuttle, plow silver splash of jade; sun, sea, sand, palm side by side to form a beautiful natural screen.
Hainan Island coastline of 1617.8 kilometers around the island for quality sand. Rich coastal marine life, there are more than 1000 kinds of fish, 200 kinds of algae. Sea, colorful, mix of tropical reef fish and corals, sea anemones and other marine life, diving tourism sightseeing views.
Colorful Yunnan Tour
Lijiang area in northwestern Yunnan Province, 527 kilometers from the provincial capital Kunming. Lijiang territory of rolling hills, mountainous area of the region accounted for 95%. As is located in the plateau, the sun throughout the year strong, with an average altitude of 2400 meters.
Lijiang Yulong Snow Mountain territory, Laojunshan two mountain ranges, the highest point of the snow peak of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain - fan steep elevation of 5596 m. Jinsha River, Lancang River through two from Lijiang territory.
Lijiang total population of 1.04 million, the region's main ethnic Naxi, Bai, Yi, Miao, about 58% of the total population of ethnic minorities, so different and colorful ethnic customs Lijiang, features very prominent, known "Chinese classical music living fossil" Naxi ancient music. The world's only "living" Dongba hieroglyphs Mosuo people still have a matriarchal characteristics of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, Lijiang, Tiger Leaping Gorge ...... so that China and the world's tourist hotspots.
Urumqi snow wind plot
December 20 this year will be held in Urumqi Silk Road ice wind plot. Urumqi use this winter tourist season, began to build the "Silk Road Snow wind plot" and the Northeast festival sing "opposing views." Compared with the Harbin Ice and Snow in Xinjiang has a unique advantage. Yabuli Ski Resort Harbin's most famous 180 km from the city, the road farther.
The snow attractions from the city near Urumqi, the latest lighting lotus Hills Golf Course is just 6 km from the ski town. And the temperature is not too low Xinjiang ski, wind unhappy, snow quality is good, very suitable to carry snow sports. Currently only the size of the ski area in Urumqi, there are more than 50, ample reception capacity.
Chinees toerisme experts
Germany is not a land of dreams Chinese tourists
The lack of entertainment factor,Germany is not a land of dreams Chinese tourists
According to reports the French European Network compile times that of Chinese bulging pockets gradually , more and more people are traveling abroad . However, Germany did not her to be "Dreamland " outbound
According to the German website " Focus Online " reported that the 18 known management consultancy OC & C Research report on the same day they released come to this conclusion - Germany , Africa, and China is an ideal destination for tourists. In the eyes of the strong tourist demand of Chinese tourism in Germany , although there is a sense of security, has neat , viewpoints and conditions of purchase , but not to get a high score , so there is a choice for Chinese tourists to travel. OC & C in the report is due to this phenomenon : German lack of " fun factor " .
As we all know, China is the key target of tourists competing concerns of world tourism . It is estimated that in 2014 the number of Chinese outbound tourism will not exceed 100 million people in the next five years , this number will double . The Chinese travel abroad , not only scenic, "commercial" is what they think the focus .
Of course, the Chinese outbound tourism boom pump and strong purchasing power , but also for Germany is from a disc , even if it is not the situation as benefit in some other European countries. After one of OC & C , France and many other sights from the seats and beautiful nature and a wealth of luxury shopping , which has " Chinese tourist destination of the output rankings busy , which was published , while the United Kingdom and the United States is the second three .
In fact, the Chinese outbound tourists is not the first time by the rapid development of media attention Germans on 13 this month, the German newspaper "Handelsblatt " , he pointed out that Chinese tourists the future of cities ranking decide world of tourism , but also stressed that the country Chinese tourists to simplify visa process immediately.
Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 3, 2014
La Chine: El Dorado de l’emploi?
Une jeunesse étrangère qui déchante
De plus en plus nombreux sont les jeunes étrangers venus en Chine dans l’espoir de trouver un travail. Tous ont entendu le plus grand bien du pays et des opportunités qu’il offre; et débarquent avec la certitude que leur profil d’étranger, leur diplôme obtenu des plus respectables établissements d’enseignement supérieur occidentaux leur conférera un atout majeur face à d’autres potentiels candidats. De plus en plus nombreux également sont ceux qui se voient obligés de repartir dans leur pays natal, après avoir épuisé tout leur “budget survie” forcés de se rendre à l’évidence que la Chine est loin d’être l’El Dorado qu’ils espéraient.
De plus en plus nombreux sont les jeunes étrangers venus en Chine dans l’espoir de trouver un travail. Tous ont entendu le plus grand bien du pays et des opportunités qu’il offre; et débarquent avec la certitude que leur profil d’étranger, leur diplôme obtenu des plus respectables établissements d’enseignement supérieur occidentaux leur conférera un atout majeur face à d’autres potentiels candidats. De plus en plus nombreux également sont ceux qui se voient obligés de repartir dans leur pays natal, après avoir épuisé tout leur “budget survie” forcés de se rendre à l’évidence que la Chine est loin d’être l’El Dorado qu’ils espéraient.
Avant toute chose, il faut savoir au sujet de le Chine, que c’est un pays en perpétuelle mutation, aussi bien administrative, que politique, ou encore qu’économique. Ce qui était vrai l’an passé ne le sera pas obligatoirement l’année suivante. Les contextes sociaux économiques évoluent a une vitesse fulgurante. Ce qui est vrai aujourd’hui, c’est que le marché de l’emploi est particulièrement difficile. Il existe depuis quelques années une véritable guerre des talents dans ce milieu, notamment dans le marché pour les entreprises occidentales qui s’explique par un manque criant de professionnels qualifiés et une très forte compétitivité entre les nombreux investisseurs étrangers.
Cette raréfaction de l’emploi a entraîné depuis cinq ans une inflation des salaires. Le salaire moyen à Shanghai par exemple a augmenté de 174% en 5 ans); mais elle a également créé une très grande instabilité des professionnels, peinant à conserver un emploi très longtemps, et n’hésitant pas à quitter leur emploi actuel rapidement pour un autre qu’ils considèrent plus avantageux.
Les profils les plus recherchés
Les profils les plus recherchés aujourd’hui sont ceux qui s’intègrent aussi bien au contexte local qu’international. C’est à dire les personnes qui comprennent et maîtrisent les codes chinois tout en étant capables de travailler dans une société internationale avec des modes de fonctionnement aux standards internationaux. Ce qui implique avant toute chose de maîtriser la langue. Ce qui élimine d’emblée 70% des jeunes expatries en recherche d’emploi.
Quelques conseils aux candidats
Amis expatriés, revoyez vos attentes à la baisse. La Chine n’est pas, ou du moins n’est plus, l’Eldorado d’autrefois. Les critères de sélections sont bien plus stricts qu’auparavant. Il n’y a de la place que pour les occidentaux qui connaissent les marchés locaux ou possèdent des compétences rares localement. Les jeunes diplômés chinois devenant de plus en plus qualifiés selon les critères occidentaux, les jeunes expatries sont mis sur la touche. Beaucoup, en désespoir de cause, finissent par accepter des conditions de travail très difficiles et généralement mal rémunérés.
Amis expatriés, revoyez vos attentes à la baisse. La Chine n’est pas, ou du moins n’est plus, l’Eldorado d’autrefois. Les critères de sélections sont bien plus stricts qu’auparavant. Il n’y a de la place que pour les occidentaux qui connaissent les marchés locaux ou possèdent des compétences rares localement. Les jeunes diplômés chinois devenant de plus en plus qualifiés selon les critères occidentaux, les jeunes expatries sont mis sur la touche. Beaucoup, en désespoir de cause, finissent par accepter des conditions de travail très difficiles et généralement mal rémunérés.
Si vous souhaitez travailler en Chine, donnez-vous toutes les chances en prenant le temps d’apprendre la langue et la culture, et surtout, si vous en avez la possibilité, je ne saurais trop vous conseiller de trouver un emploi avant de vous rendre sur place, ou au moins, partez en ayant des pistes bien avancées.
Sources :
Pour plus d’information sur le marché de l’emploi en Chine :
Thứ Bảy, 8 tháng 3, 2014
Chinese Tourism welcomed in Australia
Chinese Tourism welcomed in Australia
The Australian Tourism is an ambitious goal - in the Chinese market in Australia for $ 36 billion, more than double the 2010 total tourism expenditure reached 100 million U.S. dollars, between $ 7,406 and $ 9,022, the total expenditure of one hundred million U.S. dollars, 2020 . This is forecast by Tourism Australia as the figures of the next decade. Overseas arrivals and departures of the Australian Bureau of Statistics recently released data is what is likely to be necessary, the degree of optimism.
February's figures show the music in Asia but continued economic prosperity, more directly, the Chinese continue to boost China's tourism industry in 2011, despite the weakness in some of Australia's traditional markets and economic impact of global natural disasters.
Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 3, 2014
Digital Marketing is very important to attract Chinese Tourist
To attract Chinese Tourists, you have to know that Digital Is very important,and today we can just get an overview of the interview of a Digital Marketing Expert in China, Olivier, from Gentlemen Marketing Agency.
I will give you 2 examples:
Digital Marketing is very important to attract Chinese Tourist, and Most popular destination is France so Olivier get used to work with French Travel agencies, most of their customers are in this Fields.
more information in this post here
Could you give us some examples of French companies working with china that you helped with their seo?
I will give you 2 examples:
Aiguemarine We get Top rank on Baidu with the keywords France luxury travel, Italy luxury travel or Europe Luxury Travel. With this Top position, our customer can always get qualified quotations per week. Nowadays, the main turnover of this travelling agency comes from Internet, and it is more profitable because the agency deals directly with the customer and avoid the Chinese partners cost, which can accounts for about 50% of the total travel fees.
Which sectors is the most promising for French in terms of SEO in China? Could you give some examples?
According to our customer’s feedback, Tourism is the number one sector, after everything about Food and beverage, luxury & fashion and Cosmetics.All these services and products are related to the French life style... included Tourist
Digital Marketing is very important to attract Chinese Tourist, and Most popular destination is France so Olivier get used to work with French Travel agencies, most of their customers are in this Fields.
more information in this post here
Thứ Ba, 4 tháng 3, 2014
Jingdong positive makeup - Butterfly Festival : nonsense really liable thunder!
Jingdong positive makeup - Butterfly Festival : nonsense really liable thunder!
By the end of February 2014 , International Women's Day from the traditional scene in less than ten days , the electricity supplier giant officially announced the launch of Spring Jingdong promote "Butterfly Day" , the main push for female users of cosmetic products . At present, the 180China creative television commercials and print ads have been ahead of the street , around the entire Campaign " nonsense struck by lightning ," the themes.
Jingdong 's Day this mark the first time in a large-scale "female marketing" directly involved in the marketing of cosmetics in spring competition , a change in control of the first digital image of the service men . Not only that , combined with recent Jingdong 's " soften " strategic point of view , Jingdong 's strategic intent has also been revealed.
Consumers traditional impression, Jingdong Grand promote multi- male theme -based, so before they spring a large pro- named " Jubilee Action ." However , the launch of Jingdong female consumer-oriented "Butterfly Day" promotion for the first time a large company level main push a single category , that female users based cosmetics, or contrary to people 's expectations.
France is the country of choice for Chinese tourists to travel in Europe
France is the country of choice for Chinese tourists to travel in Europe
During the recent past Chinese New Year, Paris Charles de Gaulle refund window all day waiting in long queues. Eighty percent ranks are Chinese tourists , the average visitor to wait in line more than an hour. French customs tax officials to check each one slowly shopping lists , and also open the trunk to check every piece of merchandise , but still with grace in China with Chinese guests to say " Happy New Year" .
According to Family Travel Travelzoo recent survey results show that France is still Chinese tourists to visit the country of choice for tourism in Europe , Paris is the first in the minds of people organized a shopper's paradise. The French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius announced last month , to attract Chinese tourists , the French decided on January 27 , which is the 50th anniversary of France established diplomatic relations anniversary , will focus on the Chinese tourist visas to France within 48 hours shortened this measure to attract more Chinese people in France for sightseeing and shopping . Survey data show that relative France every year more than 900,000 Chinese who travel to France, in 2020 it is expected that this figure will rise to 4 million .
Although the ' winter on the streets of Paris , Chinese tourists led is not much, but as long as the " Lafayette " Spring Department Store Department Store , you can see the crowds of Chinese people packed the various counters of luxury handbags and in particular jewelry counter . The counters are organized almost every Chinese speaking staff welcomed . In some large shopping malls , companies see China as long as the customer will have to pay particular attention , because they know that Chinese customers will buy more than 175 € one thing to get over 10% discount . Spring Department Store in the Louvre next to its main business opened a new jewelry and handbags of small shops, duty-free files on the machine, the most significant is the identification of the Chinese language.
In 2014, plans to travel to Europe for Chinese respondents , 35 % of people choose to travel in France. Planning a trip to Paris , Chinese tourists , go to " Buddha" spring merchandise and department stores , luxury shops on the Champs Elysees and inexpensive mall "shopping" , is scheduled itinerary in advance battleship.
Travelzoo Travel Family Chinese President Hongwei believes visitors to Paris this year is different from that of previous years, especially for the first time in France in the past with the host group , this year there are more guests to exercise . They identified the Spring Festival in France coincided with the winter season discount, are scheduled early discounted tickets , organize their shopping trips . However, individual visitors need to be reminded that , limited knowledge of the French language , the best early learning some basic French, and do your homework in advance.
Tax records from Paris Municipal Bureau of Tourism, the average consumption of the Chinese people have achieved € 1.500, more than twice as many Japanese tourists . Paris entrepreneur , the Chinese people in France has become after the Japanese and the Russians , in the first line of the customer.
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It's been a while since I last blogged, but let me share with you some of our recent experiences. We had a really fun Easter and the ki...
Just 50 miles south of Datong is the Hanging Monastery dating back over 1,400 years. It is held up by poles driven into the cliff as well a...
Because I'm really starting to settle in here, some days are a great deal like days I have already written about. For example, today I ...
Now that Xinjiang is getting back to normal and the September peak tourist season is coming, I thought I would try to 'seduce' you t...
A Chinese national was arrested in connection with the series of viral pictures featuring tourists stripping down on a beach in Malaysia in ...
The lack of entertainment factor,Germany is not a land of dreams Chinese tourists According to reports the French European Network compile t...
France is romantic for Chinese Tourist Visit Paris is not enough to explore the "romantic France " , said this week in Beijing off...
Digital marketing is transforming within China right away, that is genuine a year ago may don’t become this coming year. Precisely what may ...
Chinese Tourists in Hong Kong In its fourth week, Occupy Hong Kong has lost steam, and bright smiles that were on the young, idealistic fac...
The Bad Image of Chinese Tourist "It undermines the image of the people in our country and made a bad impression." Chinese touris...