Thứ Sáu, 24 tháng 6, 2016

Bad news for Indonesia Tourism

"The capabilities of the securing our seas should be improved, whether it's technology or general preparedness," Widodo said, according to a presidential palace statement.
A Chinese fishing boat was attacked last Friday while fishing in waters of Natuna a 272-island archipelago off the northwest coast of Borneo in the South China Sea islands. The island archipelago has about 70,000 residents and is administered by Indonesia.

On Sunday, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying Chinese described the incident as such, "While normally operates in traditional fishing areas in southwest China South China Sea on June 17, the Chinese fishing boats were harassed and they fired several navy ships Indonesia. a Chinese fishing boat was damaged and injured member of the crew shot, while another fishing boat and the seven people on board were arrested by the Indonesian side. "

Indonesia Refuses to Bow to China in the South China Sea

Indonesia's president held a cabinet meeting aboard a warship off the Natuna Islands on Thursday, asserting sovereignty over waters in the southern reaches of the South China Sea after Beijing stated its "over-lapping claim" on nearby waters. As a result of the incident, Beijing lodged a strong protest to Jakarta through diplomatic channels, claiming that Indonesian "international laws violated including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China sea (DOC). China strongly protests and condemns the excessive use of force. China calls on the Indonesian side to stop taking actions that complicate, exaggerate the difference and undermine peace and stability, and handling the issue of fishing in the sea in a constructive way. "

The New York Times reported that Chinese nationalists are outraged by the use of force by the Indonesian side. A user wrote via Weibo (microblogging platform similar to Twitter in China) "You call yourself a great and mighty nation, but how is that a small country like Indonesia dare slap in the face?" In the same Times article, another Weibo user reportedly wrote, "Where is the hard-line faction in the army? It's your turn to make an appearance now."

However, the issue of fishing is not as simple as the nationalists would like to believe. While Beijing claims 90 percent of the South Sea China, with its self-proclaimed "nine-dash-line" or "cow tongue", Beijing recognized in 2015 claiming Jakarta chain Natuna islands, stating that "the Chinese side has no objection to the sovereignty of Indonesia over the Natuna Islands." While the islands are outside the "line of nine script", but also create an exclusive economic zone of 200 miles, or EEZ which excels in waters claimed by Beijing.

Beijing, however, is a signatory to the Convention and under the Convention, the islands whose population is entitled to an EEZ of 200 miles, which gives Indonesia and its exclusive rights fishermen fishery resources in that area. Moreover, the concept of "traditional fishing", presented by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, is not recognized in the Convention.

Chinese outbound tourism Market for indonesia

This last argument is the third since March, when a Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs of Indonesia patrol vessel intercepted a Chinese fishing boat of 300 tons approximately four kilometers from the Natuna islands chain within the territorial limits of Indonesia indisputable. In that incident, the Indonesian patrol boat fired warning shots of small arms in the Chinese fishing boat, forcing them to stop and the Chinese fishermen were transferred to the Indonesian patrol ship. A Chinese coast guard ship then arrived on the scene, repeatedly ramming the Chinese fishing boat until it was free and then retrieve the fishing boat.

At that time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China also made the argument that the incident occurred within the traditional fishing areas of China and the Chinese coast guard vessel assisted by the Chinese fishing boat seized without going Waters-territorial Indonesia despite It is only four kilometers away from an island of Indonesia. In addition, by using its own coastguard boat as a battering ram,

This kind of New will scare Chinese travellers  ! 


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