France will issue VISA for Chinese tourists within 48h
This is a real charm offensive. There are two weeks Laurent Fabius has unveiled measure Allowing individual Chinese travellers and businessmen , to be Issued Within 48 hours visas . Until now , the Citizens of the People 's Republic Would wait ten days or more falling on the tourist season . The Minister of Foreign Affairs and saw " rapid fulfillment and benevolent Formalities Necessary for Their stay in France . "
Certainly , in 2014 commemorates fifty years of diplomatic relationship Between the two countries. Purpose Mainly this is hospitality displayed by the Economic Challenge Posed by Chinese tourists . For now , They are worth millions of euros in annual revenue to the State 500. Purpose According To the Ministry of Foreign Trade , the only new measure Could this boost Figure Doubled Effective three years . Nothing too optimistic When You Know That in 2012 , China Went first in terms of tourist abroad Spending $ 102 billion totawing ACCORDING to the World Tourism Organization ( UNWTO) .
Without exception, the figures show an incredible dynamic . From 2000 to 2012 , the number of Chinese travelers abroad HAS Increased from 10 million to 83 million , According To UNWTO . And all the LEDs Indicate That Will the trend continue . If one factotum believes the figures published by the official Chinese press, the 100 million Chinese tourists in the world shoulds be exceeded in 2014 They Were 97 million in 2013 - an Increase of 14 million Compared to 2012 .
Several indicators Were ble to Convince the French government to take a step Towards Chinese tourists . Last October , the China National Tourism Administration icts Amended legislation to better Regulate the excesses of the prices charged by operators Could All which weigh on the number of movements of His globetrotters : according to Qianjiang Evening Post , prices intercontinental travel HAD Increased by 80 % in September , simply by anticipation . According To the Ministry of Tourism, about 83 million foreign tourists visited the Hexagon Have you , only 1.4 million cam from the Middle Kingdom .
Paris VS London
While Paris and London Fought Earlier this year INSTEAD of "the most touristic city in the world , " a recent study by Travelzoo May -have put a flea in the ear in high places. Despite The historical Conflict between the two countries revived These Days around the Senkaku Islands, the preferred destination for Chinese is ... Japan . It is above all the weak yen Would attra onlookers looking for window shopping. Another decisive factor is the easing of visa restrictions put in place Effective the 2012 earthquake ... For the first time in the classification , established by the website offers travel, France , this year along Was No share of the top 10 This is a real charm offensive . There are two weeks Laurent Fabius unveiled a measure allowing individual Chinese visitors, tourists and businessmen, to be issued visas within 48 hours. Until now , the citizens of the People's Republic would wait ten days or more during the tourist season . The Minister of Foreign Affairs and saw " rapid fulfillment and benevolent formalities necessary for their stay in France ."2014 big changes
Certainly, in 2014 commemorates fifty years of diplomatic relations between the two countries . But this is mainly hospitality displayed by the economic challenge posed by Chinese tourists. For now , they are worth millions of euros in annual revenue to the State 500 . But according to the Ministry of Foreign Trade , the only new measure could boost this figure doubled after three years. Nothing too optimistic when you know that in 2012, China went first in terms of tourist spending abroad, totaling $ 102 billion according to the World Tourism Organization ( UNWTO) .Without exception, the figures show an incredible dynamic . From 2000 to 2012, the number of Chinese travelers abroad has increased from 10 million to 83 million , according to UNWTO. And all the LEDs indicate that the trend will continue. If one believes the figures published by the official Chinese press, the 100 million Chinese tourists in the world should be exceeded in 2014 , they were 97 million in 2013 - an increase of 14 million compared to 2012.
Several indicators were able to convince the French government to take a step towards Chinese tourists. Last October, the China National Tourism Administration amended its legislation to better regulate the excesses of the prices charged by operators , which could weigh on the number of movements of his globe- trotters : according to Qianjiang Evening Post , prices intercontinental travel had increased by 80% in September , simply by anticipation . According to the Ministry of Tourism, about 83 million foreign tourists who visited the Hexagon , only 1.4 million came from the Middle Kingdom .sources JDN
While Paris and London fought earlier this year instead of " the most touristic city in the world ," a recent study by Travelzoo may have put a flea in the ear in high places. Despite the historical conflict between the two countries revived these days around the Senkaku Islands, the preferred destination for Chinese is ... Japan. It is above all the weak yen would attract onlookers looking for window shopping. Another decisive factor is the easing of visa restrictions put in place after the 2012 earthquake ... For the first time in the classification established by the site offers travel, France , this year was no longer part of the top 10 !
Thank you to Pauline
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