Thứ Hai, 15 tháng 7, 2013

Outbound tourist from China

Outbound tourist from China 

In 2012, it was featured  that the Australian Minister for Tourism Martin Ferguson said during a meeting of the Victoria Tourism Industry Council that the Asian market, especially China, is key to the growth of the Australian Tourism.
Fast forward to the present, this forecast is gradually coming true as Chinese outbound tourism has reportedly increased by 16% in the first quarter of 2013,

China now ranks first in the global outbound tourism source market, approximately spending over US $102 billion compared to the US$73 billion in 2011. Thus, overtaking Germany and the U.S. that previously held the top spots. Given these figures, it’s only understandable why many countries seek their fair share of Chinese travellers to bolster their tourism industry, and the Land Down Under is no exception

Read more: Outbound Tourism from China is Growing Exponentially: Are You Ready?

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