Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 12, 2010

Happy Holidays - and some client feedback.

At the end of a successful year for ChinaMango, we would like to take the opportunity to thank all our friends and supporters for their visits, introductions and help.

We now have associate guides in more and more cities, including Xian, Shanghai, Pingyao, Xinjiang and Nanning, so can offer a wider service. We have received clients from all over the world, young and old, rich and poor, male and female, singles, couples and a group of over 20 as well. They've stayed in 5 star hotels as well as simple courtyard hostels, stayed one night or stayed up to 3 weeks (in China). We've eaten in expensive restaurants overlooking Tiananmen Square (around USD 50+ per head) as well as local dumpling places for USD 5 per head. We've taken clients, upon request, to buy antiques (real and fake), tailor made shirts and cashmere jackets and trousers, pearl necklaces, and a whole range of other goods and services.

We have been successful in arranging day and night tours to meet client interests and needs. Our guides have been complimented on their level of English, and knowledge of local history and culture. Here is a sample of some feedback we have received.

" Hey Jet
I had a GREAT time touring Beijing with you. Thanks a LOT.
I did a quick upload of all the photos. Take what you like. Just attribute the photos to me. The first link are all the photos. The second link is you laughing – I think that’s your best picture. Enjoy, and I hope to see you again.

Let me know if you ever make it to San Francisco. Would love to show you our VERY short history, and I can introduce you to some local asian guys.


PS: You would be proud of me last night. I took the bus to the area you suggested. VERY fun and nice. Had a tea. Took the bus back to Tienamen Square. Chatted a little with some guys, then back to hotel. Great night. "

" Hi Jet

We had a wonderful trip. I was so jetlagged though. have just recovered. Your Shanghai guide was excellent, as was the content of the tour, and value for money. I would definitely use him again.

My one recommendation though is that the tip be standardised and built into the fee or be preset by you before meeting the guide. We dont come from a big tipping culture so its always an anxiety as to where we are overtipping or undertipping.

I would definitely recommend ChinaMango. I would like to visit Beijing in a year or so.

Shaun "

" Hello my friend,

We just arrived from our trip and wanted to say thank you for
the chance you gave us to visit your city in such a short time.
We really appreciated the time we had with you and I will recommend
your service to my friends that are going to visit your country.
If by any chance, you visit us in Canada, please let me know, I
would be more than happy to show you around.
Richard "

" Hi Jet!
Thank you for the wonderful tour of the Great Wall and the 798 arts district! Your tour was very informative and incredibly fun. It made for a fantastic way to see Beijing!
Warm regards,
Matt "

" Good morning Jet
.....we're just getting over our jet lag. As mentioned before, Martin and I are seasoned travelers and can gage pretty well travel services. We want you to know that you and your staff were excellent in every respect. There is not one single thing we would change from the itinerary to the restaurants to the staff. Each of your guides had his own charming personality; each knew exactly what we were intertested in and escorted us beautifully.
One of the greatest qualities your organization offers is dependability. Many Westerners are nervous about visiting China because of the language issue and the misconceptions we have about the New China. Your service was perfect! Everyone was where they should be at the arranged time. No waiting, no sweating! You held our hand as loosely or tightly as we requested. The greatest.
We felt the value for the money was exceptional and have no hesitation to recommend your services to anyone visiting China. If you can supply the same high level of service and guides to other areas from Thailand to Tibet, we wouldn't hesitate a second to use your agency again.
Thanks for the great job.

A & M "

" Dear Jet,

I want to confirm how satisfy I was by your tour and services. It was friendly, efficient, fun, fast, instructive etc. I will be happpy to recommend it to my best friends only!!!
This is what I talk about ( West side story song):

When you're a Jet you're the top cat in town

You're the Gold medal kid with the heavyweight crown

When you're a Jet you're the swingin'est thing

Little boy, you're a man, Little man you're a king!

(check this link if interested to hear the song

Take care and enjoy your holidays.

Bertrand "

Do keep your comments coming - we welcome all your suggestions, just add comment below or click the contact button on the left to get in touch directly. We will be taking a break till after Chinese New Year (Feb 3rd). Meanwhile, I wish all readers a happy and healthy 2011 (Year of the Rabbit).

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