Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 8, 2014

Relocation of Chinese Factories !

Relocation of Chinese Factories ! 

 Watch Manufacturing Company is one of the companies that contributed to the southeast coast of China move Switzerland as a center of the world watch industry. But now Renley, like many watchmakers, is mulling whether to move further into the interior of China.

Last week, representatives of Chongqing, a sprawling metropolis in western China, met with a group of leaders of the watch industry and offers an attractive package for them to move their factories there, said Stanley Lau, CEO Renley. Measures included very small land, less intrusive and lower wages environmental inspections.

When some leaders expressed concern about moving expenses, the answer came immediately. "The government of Chongqing said," Do not worry. If you agree to move your plant in Chongqing, I will pay your moving expenses, "says Lau, adding that at least 10 plants watches were already preparing to move.

Many inland provinces successfully attract migrants from coastal manufacturing centers, raising fears of a severe shortage of labor in the coming years.

A worker who has found new life at home is Ren Min, who had worked in the factories of toys and clothes in Guangdong province for seven years before returning to his hometown of Nanchong in Sichuan Province in 2009 . In 2005, Ren married a woman who also worked in Guangdong. The couple had a baby next year. When he was 1 year, they sent the boy to Sichuan to be taken care of by his grandparents.

She is , 32, now works for a supplier of bottled Carlsberg Jialing Industrial Park in Nanchong. "We miss our son very well after we sent the baby home, we decided to go back and find a job close to home," he said. "I earn about the same salary which I did in Guangdong. I am satisfied with my life now because I can stay with my family and take care of them. "

Another former migrant worker , went to work in a factory tap in Shenzhen Guangdong after he graduated from a technical school in Nanchong in 2004. Luo could save at most about 10,000 yuan ($ 1,600) per year during his four-year stay in Shenzhen because of the high cost of living. Luo returned to Nanchong and found a job in the industrial park in 2009. see also this article

A Chinese Worker situation

"Now I earn more than 3,000 yuan, 4,000 yuan sometimes even a month and I can save about 20,000 yuan a year," the 25-year-old said. "I earn about the same or even higher at the house of the amount I earned in Shenzhen, so why should not I pay back?" Jialing Industrial Park was built in 2007 and houses about 100 cars and clothing manufacturing and food processing enterprises, employing over 30,000 workers. Wang Zhengsong, entitled to hold jobs outside of Guangzhou. Blue-collar jobs are plentiful in China, but many graduates are reluctant to pursue Regarding Education Revolution: Graduates increasing in China, Employment Office not fail to take Upján. 24, 2013 The Education Revolution: the ambitious goal of China to Boom College GraduatesJAN. 16, 2013 Centuries ago, the cargo on the Silk Road through Asia included spices and precious stones. Today there may be computers and other electronic devices carried by rail along a 7,000-mile often sorry route.Hauling long treasure of the New Silk RoadJULY 20, 2013 These meetings are becoming more common as the Chinese economy slows down gradually.

Foreign investment down, the interior provinces are in a fierce competition to attract domestic industries competitive by offering significant financial incentives for businesses and even undercutting another in critical areas such as environmental regulations. Companies, under pressure to reduce costs, take offers seriously.

The turf war echoes the efforts of state governments in the United States, who have long used the tax sweeteners to convince companies to relocate. And the trend in China's coastal provinces exasperating, who argue that companies should be able to decide the location of factories based on the economic merits as the quality of ports and roads. "It's really a problem. I think governments should not give money to companies to relocate," said Li Chunhong, the maker of the top economic policy in the southeastern province of Guangdong. "It violates the transparency of the market." More than 2,000 people have returned and found employment in the industrial park in 2012, said Luo. CHinese said that as an increasing number of migrants returning home for Spring Festival, his office received more than 100 calls a day to inquire about employment opportunities. he said one reason many returnees is that all companies in the park are asked to pay the social security premiums for employees, while many small businesses in coastal areas have no such mandatory premiums.

Spring festival changement

Chinese official said his farm has about 2,000 vacancies after the Spring Festival.

"We plan to organize a job fair during the Spring Festival, and we distribute brochures providing information work in every town and village in the district of Jialing hopes of attracting more workers to stay and work at home, "he said.

Chong-qing Southwest China, a major source of employment, is expected to see 300,000 migrant workers to return to work this year, according to city authorities. Approximately 410,000 workers returned to the city in the first 11 months of 2012, according to Wang Caizhi, a labor officer from Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Chongqing. Among the returnees, 368,000 were employed and 43,000 have started their own business, he said.

"Chongqing attracts more world-class companies to set up factories, so there are many job opportunities for migrants," he said.

In addition to differences in wages between contraction Chongqing and coastal provinces that attract locals back, the government is also making efforts to attract and retain workers.

Pause during an interview to derive great Samsung smartphone from his pocket suit, Mr. Li described how 90 percent of the components of the phone was manufactured in a 60-mile wide circle near Hong Kong which includes cities such as Shenzhen, Dongguan and Zhuhai. "If a plant needs components, they can make a call, and within an hour the components are sent to the factory," he said. Guangdong Province has led China to embrace capitalism in the late 1970s and continues to compete with the Shanghai area as one of the two main export centers in the country. Tens of millions of migrant workers have poured in from all over China to fulfill Guangdong factories, many of them built by investors from Hong Kong. More recently, Guangdong has been a leader in China in an attempt to fight against pollution by forcing many factories to install new equipment, settle in remote areas to population centers or even close completely.

Guangdong is losing jobs 

Now, Guangdong is losing jobs to low-wage inland provinces. Blue-collar workers are rare across China, and their salaries are much higher, because college enrollment has increased fivefold in the last decade and some graduates consider factory work. With maneuvers on employment, many migrant workers have to stop taking bus and travel 30 hours being the coastal provinces and find a job close to home - leaving the factories in Guangdong in particular, interference for people to work on the assembly lines.

New ways of Railway of China west to Europe and sprawling new airports with freight terminals built deep into the interior of China, also make it possible to ship goods directly domestic factories in foreign markets without relying on giant ports in Guangdong, Shanghai and other coastal areas.

"More and more manufacturers are considering moving their production operations in Guangdong more inside China, or even to other countries," said Lau, who is also the president of the Federation Hong Kong Industries, a broad coalition of trade groups with factories across China's southeast. The city offers vocational training for workers and offers affordable housing, which costs about 10 yuan per square meter per month

Chinese Boss predicted that Guangdong would take to better paid jobs, especially in the areas of electronics, design and software. Enough already of high tech companies are moving engineers and other staff in Shenzhen the city easily has the commercial real estate market strong in China, with office space in short supply, said  CEO  a real estate control company.

The company Mr. Lau, which he founded in Hong Kong in 1983, is currently watch components and assembles watches cheaper in Dongguan, in Guangdong Province. Renley also assembles watches middle market at a factory in Hong Kong and luxury watches in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. Renley owns brands like Buler, Timeout, Sultana and Jean d'Eve, but most of the production is sold under other brands for retailers that do not have operations in watchmaking.

Sitting in the conference room of his company, lined with windows that glow with expensive watches, Mr. Lau checked the pros and cons of moving its factory in Dongguan 630 miles northwest of Chongqing. With an urban population of 17.3 million, Chongqing is building a "Jewelry City" and trying to persuade manufacturers to settle there.

The call begins with lower wages. Although the fees within China is growing rapidly, it has not quite caught up. Chongqing watchmakers ensured an adequate supply of workers, and Mr. Lau felt that they would be paid $ 375 to $ 405 per month, charges imposed by the government to employers such as basic health insurance, pensions and housing allowances. This compares to $ 490 per month in Dongguan - where manufacturers can find employees. "There is a shortage of workers in all sectors," said Mr. Lau. Chongqing also has an abundance of land. The city blames a third less than Dongguan, and the land is close to major highways and shopping areas. Dongguan is so constructed that the only new sites tend to drive several hours in the peripheral regions.

Environnemtal regulation in China

Environmental regulation is one of the most difficult questions. Mr. Lau said that Chongqing required new plants to install modern pollution control equipment and adopt certain procedures, but then I had quite a few follow-up inspections. Four Chongqing municipal agencies declined to comment on their activities.

Guangdong was gradually reduced air pollution in recent years, in part by closing older plants and requiring new equipment and procedures for other sites. But for many industries with a history of pollution problems, such as metal plating - an important part of the watch - Guangdong also requires that plants move some designated industrial zones. Chongqing is also an emerging hub for rail shipments through Central Asia to Europe, said several executives who have operations in the city or are considering doing so. Hewlett-Packard already ships trains along the entire route of "New Silk Road" computers. In a speech on Wednesday, Mr Li, the manufacturer of the economic policy of Guangdong, called for a renewed focus on "Maritime Silk Road", the ships still carry the bulk of the Chinese trade. Many executives are skeptical that freight routes transcontinental railway across Asia and Europe supplant container ships. "We do not see this as a replacement or alternative bumps the status of the shipment of the ocean as the main mode of transportation between the two continents," said Jens Eskelund, general manager of the China division of AP Moller Maersk, the largest container shipping company in the world.

Chinese Industry

Mr. Lau said that the watch industry continues to be used almost entirely on air shipments so that rail services are not relevant. Each bulk buyer of watches in Europe and elsewhere generally holds its own shipping from the factory, and the result is a lot of small items, none of which is large enough for rail, which works best with full container. Renley Watch has not made ​​a decision on whether to move. Chongqing has offered this year to 2 million renminbi, or $ 325,000 in moving expenses for each of the first 20 plants in Guangdong watches willing to relocate.

Other countries may not be viable alternatives for manufacturing. Workers in Vietnam and Indonesia are paid less than half as much as their Chinese counterparts. But interest in investment in South-East has temporarily slowed due to a spasm of anti-Chinese violence in Vietnam last spring, when the rioters have destroyed hundreds of factories after a company controlled by the Company Chinese state began drilling for oil off the coast of Vietnam. You need to get good relationship with everybody in China...

"It's one of the problems that we never expected," said Lau. "Nowhere in the world is safe - wherever you go, you must take a risk."

Another factor may also cause manufacturers as Mr. Lau to stay in Guangdong

Sources :

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Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 8, 2014

Chinese Travellers are still in love With Paris

Chinese Travellers are still in love With Paris

In its report on the tourism sector in France in 2013, DGCIS announced that the number of Chinese visitors increased by nearly 23%. Yet, according to an article in the Anglo-Saxon press (see here in English), they suffer from an evil called "Paris Syndrome", and the cultural clash between a fantasy city and its brutal reality would be the cause.

What kind of brutality Chinese tourists are they specifically face , Thomas?

The Chinese are convenient to a number of individual victims, and the police can not unfortunately understand that this type of reaction since we were forced to implement a number of devices face an upsurge assaults where they were targeted. via
These are numerous and go very far: for example, it turns out that some Chinese people come to visit their families, and we have to protect them through the guards when they go to the restaurant in the 93 for example, where we observed real heist from offenders on Chinese visit.source 

The magic Paris

This phenomenon, which affects especially Paris, is so problematic that we had to ask the groups to judicial police who generally work on narcotics cases or the BRB (Brigade Repression of Banditry ed) to focus primarily on the summer preventing attackers from individuals, often from Eastern and Central Europe.
The problem is that these police officers, which is away from their usual work, find that the phenomenon only grow.

France world champion of tourism

It must first be remembered that France, especially Paris, is a leading global tourist destinations. The title of "world champion" of tourism (number of travelers passing or staying in France but not in revenue generated by tourism), it generates many benefits, including the causes some disadvantages as draw in addition to tourists, offenders who aspire just to take advantage of the influx of people with money or goods with high added value.

For example, we know that tourists are particularly targeted by pickpockets or snatchers. But that does not make Paris a less safe city than other capitals in the light of the importance of the people on its territory. Do not forget that every day, nearly 6 million people passing through Paris. Some crime phenomena are also less important today than it was 10 years.

There were nearly 3000 flights recorded in 2002 swords, 1400 in 2010, while they are only 1270 in 2013 armed robbery recorded collapsed from 910 made ​​in 2002 to 297 in 2013. however the pickpocketing recorded experiencing significant increase since 2009 as increased from 14 500 to almost 25 000 however, they remain below the level observed between 2002 and 2004 (between 36,000 and 26,000 made​​) level. The robberies recorded without weapons also displayed an almost steadily since 2008 and reached their 2002 level compared to a decrease from 2002 to 2007.

increase in the number of Chinese tourists

The increase in the number of Chinese tourists will probably still increase with economic growth, the rise of the middle and upper classes and their desire to travel. An estimated 100 million Chinese are expected to international tourism in 2020, they represent a very strong challenge for all global destinations.
France is the first country in the number of tourists, they visit in Europe, ahead of Italy, Switzerland and Germany. There are another seven years, these travelers crossed four to five countries in Europe when they came. Now they are in rather take two destinations and France is the number one choice.

Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 8, 2014

Wild Elephants in China?

Yes, there are wild elephants in China along with many other animals, birds and wild life including Tigers.  Here you see some of the wild elephants in Xishuangbanna are of south Yunnan province.  They are located in the Sanchahe Nature Reserve not far from the city of Jinghong.   Jinghong which is in the middle of one of the most diverse areas of China has the only airport in southern Yunnan province.  The home of many minority peoples each with their own customs and dress is one of the most beautiful areas of China and is seldom visited by western tourists.   There are many faces of China with countless Nature Reserves with birds of every species, wild monkeys including the rare Golden Monkeys which I have seen myself in upper Yunnan province.  I have toured many different countries around the world but China still remains one that continues to fascinate me with now over 50 visits to all corners of the country.  The variety of sites, 57 different nationalities each with their own customs and dress, festivals, food and very friendly people makes it much to look forward to during each of my visits.   Variety is the Spice of Life and China fits into that description from one end of the country to the other.  Check my web site for just a few of the tour packages to give you some ideas on where to tour but we specialize in doing Custom Private or Group Tours to your interests and needs.  For more information contact us at 
 email:   My friends call me "ChinaDave"

Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 8, 2014

Chinese travellers love High Class Hotel

Chinese love High Class Hotel

The touring off-Chinese border is changing. Despite a slight slowdown in the growth rate of China's GDP (which remains respectable level of 7.5% per year to end of June), the frenzy that put the citizens of the Middle Kingdom to want to see the outside world does not weaken .
On the contrary those who can afford it - a growing number - are leaving their own country they have not visited half the provinces to explore new horizons. They were 97.3 million crisscrossing the planet by 2013 and certainly by 2014 that figure, which is already ten times higher than it was in 2000, will mark.

200 million Chinese tourists in 2020

200 million expected to be achieved by 2020 and the number of countries visited should then have doubled since currently considering the constraints in obtaining visas (constraints imposed by China as well as from foreign countries) they don 'non-visitors over fifty, with some weakening European destinations in favor of Asians closer, more marked by sinisation and safer from a Chinese perspective.
Shopping and cultural ...
But this development is not only quantitative. It is also, we will not say "qualitative" but structural. In other words, they always travel mostly in groups, the trend towards individual travel is growing strongly.
Individual meaning family or really "single", built in groups of circumstance formed by travel agencies or simply self-programmed in the manner of Western backpackers.
The trip is limited to less than before a period of 8 to 10 days, the two-week getaway becoming the norm for many. The motivation for the majority, is the cultural discovery shopping before but this second motivation is growing, adding to the first is not fading ... no more than the budget for the trip.
Budget increase
And specifically, to the extent that more and more Chinese upper middle class, with a holiday bonus of increasing value, traveling for pleasure and to testify on their return they lived in abroad "in a big way" and thus gain social status, well these Chinese travelers also change their habits and tastes in comfort.
It draws a clear trend away from low and middle range hotels on the periphery (rather than historical centers or large resorts) and opt for the 4 and 5 star luxury hotels or to the villages of hotels Selects holidays such as ClubMed.

How the Chinese tourist Think ! 

 As you may have noticed, the growth of these two sectors has been a change in the way tourists decide to choose their holiday destination. While in the West, it was decided a destination or a particular location with the advice of his relatives where its network in China, it is mainly the Internet that will tip the scales to one corner of the globe or a other. Internet has become an indispensable tool for over 50% of China if they want to go on holiday abroad. When it comes to choosing a destination, book a hotel or flight, the first instinct is that they will have to look and learn about the Web.

"D’ici à 2015, la Chine sera le premier marché d’e-commerce du monde" source

Before taking the final decision, they will have a look at social networking. Watch the opinions and comments of travelers who have already been there, check out the forums reputation travel agency and its services and finally solicit its virtual network. If you are looking to capture the attention of Chinese tourists and make them travel through your agency, you need to know what influences them the most and what are the places where they find their information.
You will then be able to control information, the image that your vehicle brand and know the best ways to sell your travel services on the Chinese Internet.

More information on this googleplus page

Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 8, 2014

What I think about China stock market

What I think about China stock market

A-share of China jumped nearly 10% since late July, with the recent rise in blue chips.
In addition, an investment initiative in both directions between the stock exchanges in Shanghai and Hong Kong set to begin operations in October, the change in the central bank to "targeted easing" policies, especially economic stimulus China since the second quarter of this year should all support a rising stock market.
If the stock markets of China could turn bullish depend on the effectiveness of the government's economic reforms.More information about marketing in China here


The performance of the stock market is usually related to economic growth. In fact, a falling stock market can not be fully attributed to a down economy. Similarly, a rebounding economy does not necessarily mean a booming stock market. This is illustrated by the two experiences of China and the United States.
Since 2007, China has maintained an average growth rate of 9% annual economic, fastest among all economies in the world, but its shares continued their downward trend. For example, the Shanghai Composite Index fell to a low of 1,664 points from a record high of 6124 and hovered below 2000 for the last two years, showing a bear market more than five years.

In an essay published in 2001, Warren Buffett divided the 34 years between 1964 and 1998 in two equal periods.
In the first 17 years, the American economy experienced a cumulative increase of 373%, while the Dow Jones Industry benchmark finished dish, mainly hovering around 875 points in this period. But yields on long-term government bonds surged to gross domestic product, up 13.65% from 4.2% on the back of inflation.

 economy grew a more modest 177%

In the second 17-year period, the economy grew a more modest 177%, but the Dow Jones organized a 10-fold increase (from 875 points in 9181).
Bond yields have fallen steadily, from 13.7% to 5.09%, due to the difficult monetary policy of the Federal Reserve that brought down inflation.
Buffett does not seek to prove that GDP is negatively correlated with equity returns but simply that in the long run, the inflation rate (and thus nominal interest rates) that matter most to valuations actions and investor returns.source
Looking back on the economy of China, the broadest measure of China's money supply, M2, in the last eight years has increased by almost three times. Presumably, higher M2 should have reduced the interest rate charged to borrowers and increased the stock market. What ended up happening is that higher interest rates were charged for loans and credit to businesses and shares were down.

Increase in the money supply

This is because the increase in the money supply could lead to an increase in loans and corporate loans, resulting in increased production and more economic activity which will then stimulate production costs and increase the demand for capital. Consequently, M2 plus lowers the higher interest rates charged to borrowers and shortages of money even caused.
Read also Tourism market
In addition, the policy of low interest of China in recent years rates have also unwittingly encouraged inefficiency and privileged investors to invest in making good use of the resources of cheap credit, resulting in a waste of capital and exacerbate shortages of capital in the market, while increasing funding costs for business and the conduct of higher interest rates.

A prerequisite for the stock market to turn bullish China is that the government should abandon its policy to boost economic growth based on printing more money and avoid low-yield investments that could wasteful of capital resources and reduce the real interest rate charged to businesses.
In addition, the government should help reduce the costs of doing business and increase profitability by reducing taxes.

Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 8, 2014

Chinese Tourist in the USA

Chinese Tourist in the USA 

It is the height of the summer vacation season, and the state itself as "Vacationland" is reeling in tourists this year. On the other side of the world.
At Bar Harbor, Maine, guests on tours lobster fishing Captain John Nicolai are all but eat from her hand.

"I used to get almost no Chinese tourists  and now I can say that I get about 15 to 20 percent." On average, it is 150 Chinese tourists per week. A big reason: Last month, the first direct flight from Beijing to Boston.
Most visitors will Boston-side-trips. And Maine is just up the coast.
Over the next five years, the number of Chinese visitors to the United States will more than double, from 1.8 to 4.3 million.
The average Chinese tourist in the United States spends more than $ 7,000 per trip - more than any other nationality.
So Nicolai is not the only one in the red carpet. The restaurants have menus in Chinese. Local businesses have even formed a marketing group to try to attract more Asian tourists. Nicolai customers appreciate that taking the trouble to learn their language.
"I like to take them because they are so interested in what we do here. And I think they bring the message back home, "said Nicolai.
Back home in China, where the word spreads about the great welcome awaits nearly 7,000 miles.

Nearly 100 million Chinese traveled the world

China is known in its production and mass consumption. Today these are embarking on the great adventure: to travel the world. Indeed, Chinese tourists are now number 100 million to travel the world. Chinese tourists very interested tour operator and destination country. With the arrival of the Chinese, they have seen their sales double or even triple in recent years. What is interesting with these new rich Chinese is that they tend not to limit their expenses while traveling.
Ahead in the ranking of the biggest spenders in the world tourists, the Chinese do not hesitate to pay a small fortune to live in the greatest luxury hotels. Which makes especially the happiness of tour operators is that the Chinese tend to travel in groups, which still generates more profit. Chinese tourists: new targets for thugs The influx of Chinese tourists in Europe provokes reactions in groups of thugs explain him.

Chinese: targets for thieves

Chinese today are their main targets and those particular because they tend to bring cash with them when visiting a tourist site. The case of aggression has intensified in recent years, which attracts attention of the Chinese authorities, but also the countries of destination. Indeed, if the attacks continue, the Chinese authorities will eventually remove some destinations which only means: a loss to the country of destination.

Chủ Nhật, 3 tháng 8, 2014

When New York wants to attract more Chinese tourists

New York State wants more Chinese tourists to say - or sing - "I Love New York", which seeks to enter the tourism market over $ 102 billion Chinese world.
The recent global financial crisis has dampened enthusiasm for western consumers traveling abroad. Therefore, tourism expenditures have not really changed in the world. This is however not the case of China, which, thanks to its stable economy, has seen the number of Chinese tourists greatly increase, not ceasing to grow, which is a boon for the global economy. Chinese tourists, encouraged to discover the world from

Chinese Tourist are more and more willing to go abraod

About Chinese tourists

Over the past decade, China has experienced rapid economic growth that has enabled the Chinese upper middle class to improve their standard of living, giving him the opportunity to travel outside the country; initiative also strongly encouraged in order to accelerate the development of the tourism industry in order to make a strategic pillar of the Chinese economy.
The tour of the state - also known by the song and slogan like "I Love New York" - has opened a second office in Beijing to promote the characteristics of the Empire State Building for consumers and industry Chinese tourism, and held "Becoming China Ready" workshops.
Workshops last week in cities outside the city of Albany, Utica and Rochester are for private companies, government agencies and tourism organizations to learn how to make themselves known in the Chinese tourism market, how to work with Chinese tour operators and Chinese visitors want.
Markly Wilson, director of international marketing division of Tourism of the State of New York, said that this year, the department has taken tourism officials from China to various parts of the state to show them that there is more than ever-popular spots in New York and Niagara Falls.
He said the department is working on the development of tourism routes including the Hudson Valley, the Catskills, Central New York, the Finger Lakes and the Adirondacks.
Wilson said the department is drawn to the Chinese market because of its economic wealth and population.

The number of billionaires in China

"The number of billionaires they have is more than any other country," he said. "The middle class is growing every year. During the past 15 years, the country has changed a country dominated to one that is much more open and liberal. Having been confined with centuries, they are able to discover the world. "

Sally Berry, sales and marketing manager of tourism Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, said that Chinese tourists are interested in the museum because it is one of the largest glass museum in the world. She also said there are also Mandarin translators available, especially for one of its major events, the sight of hot glass.
"We welcome Chinese visitors since 2007 and we have certainly seen an increase in Chinese tourists each year," .

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